Protecting Social Security, Medicare, & Veterans Benefits

Social Security & Medicare: I will work tirelessly to make sure that Social Security and Medicare are protected. We worked our whole lives and paid into these programs. These are not “entitlement” programs, and should never be considered “discretionary spending.” We deserve the peace of mind that comes from knowing that we can depend on these programs when we need them.

Veterans Benefits: Our veterans deserve the best, not what is left over after everyone else gets theirs. Our veterans sacrificed for us, so that we can be free, and live knowing that they have our backs. We should have their backs when it comes to their benefits. Our veterans should not have to beg for the healthcare that they deserve. We should also address our homeless vets. There is absolutely no reason that the richest country in the world should have homeless veterans. We owe them.

Reproductive Rights

We all deserve bodily autonomy. The government should have no say in the private decisions that are meant to be between us, our families, and our doctors. No one should be denied proper healthcare, or birth control.

Gun Reform

The majority of reasonable people agree that we desperately need gun reform. We need universal background checks to own a firearm. We need to close gun show and private sale loopholes for these checks. We need universal red flag laws put in place.

Fighting Corruption

Our government seems to have been taken over by big corporations, and the wealthy elites. We the people, have had enough. Corporations should not be given the same consideration or rights as the people of this country. Corporations should not be allowed to buy politician’s votes. We need to get rid of the dark money in politics.

Protecting Our Environment

If we don’t get serious about climate change, and protecting our environment now, our grandkids will be the ones paying the price. We need to work toward clean, renewable energy. We need to stop big corporations from destroying our environment, and hold them accountable when they do. Our planet and our children are depending on us.

Tax Reform

We the people, are sick and tired of footing the bill to keep this country running, while big corporations and the wealthy elite sit back and pad their wallets. No more corporate welfare, and everyone needs to pay their fair share. Our country was at its most prosperous when big corporations, and the wealthy elites paid their fair share. We can all win, instead of just the top 1%.


We have to protect education in order to be competitive as a nation. Our schools and teachers are under attack and underfunded. We must stand together to protect this basic human right. Our kids deserve better.

Equality For All

We all deserve equal rights. Giving rights to marginalized groups does not do anything to diminish yours. When we take rights away from any segment of our population, we all suffer. Everyone should be able to love who they want, dress how they want, marry who they want, believe what they want, and live freely without the unwarranted overreach of government.

Healthcare For All

In the richest country in the world, every citizen should have access to necessary healthcare. Healthcare should not be tethered to a job. Healthcare is a necessity, and should be guaranteed as such. We can look all over the world for examples of how this basic need improves the lives of everyone. Big corporations should not be able to enjoy limitless profits, while our citizens suffer and die because of it. We need to start getting some returns on all of the government spending that goes towards giving these corporations record profits. Enough is enough.

Truth In Journalism

Our news organizations, and media need to be held accountable for spreading disinformation. This is the way it used to be. Was it perfect? No, I think we can all agree that something has to be done. Journalists and news anchors used to be respected and expected to deliver the truth. I think this is one of the most dangerous things that is happening in our country. The amount of propaganda and misinformation that is shoveled out to the masses on a daily basis is causing us to reach the boiling point, and I don’t think our Republic can withstand much more.


Our politicians have been paid off to deregulate almost everything, and the American people are the ones suffering because of it. Regulatory laws are put into place to protect us all. We are not more “free” when those regulations are taken away. The only things that are more “free” are the ability of corporations, and the wealthy elites to rob us blind, and to put our literal lives at risk.

Term Limits For Government

One of the things that I think most Americans agree upon is term limits for government officials. While I understand that there is something to be said for experience, I think reasonable limits should be in place so that people don’t overstay their welcome, or become corrupt. We need to have a discussion, and explore options to limit the amount of time any one person has control and influence over our laws.

Affordable Housing

Our country is in the middle of a housing crisis, in more ways than one. We have an affordable housing shortage, and people are struggling just to find basic shelter. Where do these wealthy elites think us “poors” are supposed to live? They expect people to serve them, and cater to them, and then drive an hour away to go home, all while expecting them to work for peanuts. This is unsustainable and Un-American. We also have a homelessness crisis. The richest country in the world should be able to house its citizens.


When people have their basic needs met, crime goes down. If we work to address the root cause, then the crime rate will drop organically.

Mental Health

We have a mental health crisis in this country. We need to address it now. We also need to work on the other points in my platform that will help address people’s basic needs. When we don’t have comfortable shelter, food, and basic healthcare, our mental health suffers.

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